Weighted RNG Tutorial in Godot 4Using weighted RNG can be useful when you don’t want the odds of something to happen to all be equal. Very common in roguelikes.4d ago4d ago
Utility AI Tutorial for Godot 4Utility AI is a type of AI that takes multiple factors into account when considering a list of actions an AI could do.Oct 22, 2024Oct 22, 2024
Poisson Disc Sampling Algorithm in Godot 4What Is The Poisson Disc Sampling Algorithm?Sep 29, 2024Sep 29, 2024
Coordinate-Based Chunk Loading in Godot 4An efficient way to check what chunk a character, only requiring one calculation and no collidersSep 22, 20241Sep 22, 20241
Breaking Down Godot 4s Multiplayer ExampleRecently I’ve been hard at work learning how to use Godots multiplayer system. Having little to no networking experience prior, I found a…Jul 15, 2024Jul 15, 2024
Creating a Dialogue Tool in UnityI recently had to make a very simple dialogue tool for Warplight Wanderer. I had never made a tool in Unity before but found it…Jul 11, 2024Jul 11, 2024
2D Flocking Algorithm in UnityI made a 2D flocking algorithm for my Advanced Game AI class, but the code can be easily converted to work in 3D as well. Using a mix of…Jul 11, 2024Jul 11, 2024
(Partially) Recreating Genshin Impacts Enemy AI w/ State MachinesFor the final project for my advanced game AI I decided to recreate a simplified version of the enemy AI in Genshin Impact with the help of…Jun 27, 2024Jun 27, 2024
Basic Obstacle Avoidance Algorithm in UnityI made an obstacle avoidance algorithm for my Advanced Game AI class. By using a mixture of an fov tool I made as well as raycasts, the…Jun 27, 2024Jun 27, 2024